Join The Tribe of Courageous Leaders
Jan. 22, 2024

The Power Of One with Tyler Thomas

The Power Of One with Tyler Thomas
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Courageous Leadership

Have you ever wondered what it takes to invigorate a community through leadership? Eureka County Under Sheriff Tyler Thomas joins us to share his groundbreaking work in organizing a leadership conference that is reshaping law enforcement culture for the better. This episode peels back the layers on how Tyler's small-town upbringing fueled his passion for impactful leadership, which now guides his efforts in hosting an annual event that's become a beacon for positive change within the sheriff's office and beyond.

We take you behind the scenes of the challenges and rewards of bringing a leadership conference to life in the quaint, remote town of Eureka, Nevada. Discover how Tyler, together with Sheriff Jesse Watts and their team, has harnessed the power of community to create an experience that transcends the limitations of their environment. You'll get an insider's look at how this conference is not just a professional development opportunity, but a transformative force that rejuvenates law enforcement officials, attracts new talent, and fosters a leadership mindset that ripples through the entire country.

There's an exclusive chance for you, our listeners, to join the excitement, with a competition that could see you attending this prestigious event and absorbing the wisdom firsthand. So, be ready to embrace the essence of courageous leadership that could very well redefine your daily life and professional trajectory.

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04:00 - Who Is Tyler Thomas

12:34 - Why Eureka

25:47 - Leadership Conference With Undersheriff Tyler Thomas

32:30 - How You Can Attend


00:00:00.321 --> 00:00:09.247
Do you believe leadership is the solution to the problems that exist throughout society, including the law enforcement profession?

00:00:09.247 --> 00:00:10.585
Well, I hope you do.

00:00:10.585 --> 00:00:23.094
You're listening to this, and this is kind of what we try to do each and every week is strive to give you the resources to be the best leaders possible, to be the change agent in your community.

00:00:23.094 --> 00:00:27.230
Well, I have something special for you today in this episode.

00:00:27.230 --> 00:00:38.250
We pre-recorded this episode and I gave some instructions within the episode on how to attend the best leadership conference of 2024.

00:00:38.250 --> 00:00:53.088
On the show we have Eureka County, nevada, under sheriff Tyler Thomas, and he has been putting together the best week of leadership I've ever seen for the last four years, and the 2024 conference is coming up in April.

00:00:54.380 --> 00:00:57.445
Now, myself and John Kelly.

00:00:57.445 --> 00:01:02.834
John Kelly is the CEO of law enforcement life coach.

00:01:02.834 --> 00:01:06.406
Check that out at law enforcement life coach dot com.

00:01:06.406 --> 00:01:07.450
Excellent trainer.

00:01:07.450 --> 00:01:09.769
He will be teaching at this conference.

00:01:09.769 --> 00:01:18.451
I will be teaching at this conference, randy Sutton will be teaching at this conference, and a ton of other people, a ton of other people.

00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:26.590
It's just going to be fantastic, and both John and I want to send you to this conference for free.

00:01:26.590 --> 00:01:29.525
We're talking airfare hotel.

00:01:29.525 --> 00:01:31.510
Maybe we buy you a lunch.

00:01:31.510 --> 00:01:38.608
I don't know, but we're going to get you there in the middle of Nevada, three and a half hours from Reno, in this little gold mine town.

00:01:38.608 --> 00:01:39.971
That is just awesome.

00:01:39.971 --> 00:01:45.712
I can't think of a better week to spend just drinking from a fire hose of leadership.

00:01:45.712 --> 00:01:48.245
There will be no distractions, I can guarantee you that.

00:01:48.245 --> 00:01:57.171
And if that is something you're interested in, first, I want to see you there, but second, maybe you want to go, but maybe financially it's strapped.

00:01:57.171 --> 00:02:05.430
Well, john and I are going to send somebody there for free, and the this episode is going to detail what that is.

00:02:05.560 --> 00:02:11.323
Now, the reason I am opening up the episode with this is because what I said in the episode is incorrect.

00:02:11.323 --> 00:02:18.908
That's before I talked to John and then we put we sort of put our heads together and we decided you know what, let's, let's make this even better.

00:02:18.908 --> 00:02:22.850
So I offer something in the episode that's not as good as what I just offered.

00:02:22.850 --> 00:02:26.326
So here's the catch what I just said is what you're going to go with.

00:02:26.326 --> 00:02:36.430
So you have to listen to the episode, you have to follow the instructions of the episode and you will have a chance of attending this conference with John and I in April, and you're reeking Nevada.

00:02:36.430 --> 00:02:38.485
We can't wait to see you.

00:02:38.485 --> 00:02:39.942
Here's the episode.

00:02:42.319 --> 00:02:50.627
Welcome to courageous leadership with Travis Yates, where leaders find the insights, advice and encouragement they need to lead courageously.

00:02:52.759 --> 00:02:53.966
Welcome back to the show.

00:02:53.966 --> 00:03:02.509
I'm so honored that you're spending your time with us here today and this is going to be an epic episode with an epic leader.

00:03:02.509 --> 00:03:15.512
I think you're going to love it because on the show today is Eureka County, nevada, undershare of Tyler Thomas, and I love his bio, as he described to me, because he put the most important stuff first.

00:03:15.512 --> 00:03:21.429
Tyler says I'm a husband, I'm a girl dad, and then I've got 11 years of law enforcement experience.

00:03:21.429 --> 00:03:35.788
He's also a graduate of the national command and staff college and the FBI National Academy, session 285, which tells you just how young and pretty he is, because he graduated just a year ago from that institution.

00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:42.073
But he's also the creator of the annual leadership summit held in Eureka, nevada each year.

00:03:42.073 --> 00:03:53.872
And let me tell you something, the best week of the year in this profession is in a little gold mine town in Eureka, nevada, because you've never seen anything like this conference.

00:03:53.872 --> 00:03:55.306
This is the brain behind it.

00:03:55.306 --> 00:04:00.872
We'll get to that throughout the interview, but first off I want to welcome my good friend, undershare of Tyler Thomas.

00:04:00.872 --> 00:04:01.555
How are you doing, sir?

00:04:02.358 --> 00:04:02.900
I'm doing great.

00:04:02.900 --> 00:04:03.983
How about yourself, Travis?

00:04:04.866 --> 00:04:05.969
Man just doing my thing.

00:04:05.969 --> 00:04:08.608
I know the weather is sort of dicey here.

00:04:08.608 --> 00:04:09.610
How's it going on up there?

00:04:09.610 --> 00:04:12.647
Now kind of explain to people where Eureka County is up in Nevada.

00:04:13.860 --> 00:04:17.689
So Eureka County is almost the geographic center of Nevada.

00:04:17.689 --> 00:04:29.574
We're about five hours north of Las Vegas, we are three and a half hours east of Reno and about four and a half to five hours west of Salt Lake.

00:04:29.574 --> 00:04:34.591
So kind of center of Nevada and center of some major towns.

00:04:35.360 --> 00:04:39.031
Well, it's a beautiful area and it is nothing like Las Vegas.

00:04:39.031 --> 00:04:40.869
People think of Nevada, they think of Las Vegas.

00:04:40.869 --> 00:04:45.079
Most of Nevada is not Las Vegas and it's a very beautiful area.

00:04:45.079 --> 00:04:47.668
In fact, I'm going to be going up to the conference this year.

00:04:47.668 --> 00:04:50.149
I'm going to stay all week because I just love the area.

00:04:50.149 --> 00:04:54.791
It sort of reminds me of kind of Apple Pie America, so to speak.

00:04:54.791 --> 00:05:02.471
But you guys are doing an incredible job there and I just kind of wanted to ask you know, here you are 11 years into profession, graduating these leadership.

00:05:02.471 --> 00:05:04.485
You really have an interesting leadership.

00:05:04.485 --> 00:05:13.403
You're doing your thing Kind of how did you get here Like you're talking to me here on this podcast, but how did you get here today, and what gave you an interest in the profession?

00:05:15.600 --> 00:05:29.144
So I started my career off in a smaller town and I did seven years there and ended up running into my current boss, who is also the current sheriff, and I loved his leadership from the beginning.

00:05:29.144 --> 00:05:37.451
From the first time I talked to him and he was on patrol and I didn't even realize he was the sheriff.

00:05:37.451 --> 00:05:39.446
I was like, oh hey, what up bro?

00:05:39.446 --> 00:05:44.591
And when it dawned on me that he was a sheriff was after the conversation.

00:05:44.591 --> 00:05:49.649
I realized, wow, I did not know he was the sheriff for the entire conversation.

00:05:49.649 --> 00:06:03.420
So I started talking to him back and forth, ended up coming down here and going through the motions and eventually he had a vacancy at the undershare spot.

00:06:03.420 --> 00:06:10.750
I felt that I was the person for the job and I've been in this role since 2020 of October, october of 2020.

00:06:10.750 --> 00:06:17.019
That's how I ended up down here in Eureka and I've been here, for I will be going on five years in April.

00:06:17.889 --> 00:06:38.499
Well, and that's a very unconventional way to become undershare right and I think that is telling with Sheriff Jesse Watts is who you work for of seeing a talent, seeing someone with leadership ability that maybe they didn't have the 25, 30 years in law enforcement or they weren't a police chief somewhere or whatever silly authority thing we think is leadership.

00:06:38.499 --> 00:06:39.714
He just saw a leader.

00:06:39.714 --> 00:06:43.754
He didn't care what the rank was I don't know what rank you were when he saw you but he didn't care the rank.

00:06:43.754 --> 00:06:45.817
He just said this guy would be a great undershare.

00:06:45.817 --> 00:06:48.278
Now all of the gurus would say, oh no.

00:06:48.278 --> 00:06:52.577
Now, tyler, you got to work your way up the ranks and you got to do your time this old military nonsense.

00:06:52.910 --> 00:06:57.735
But you have proven, proved positive, that leadership has nothing to do with ranks.

00:06:57.735 --> 00:06:58.418
It's got nothing to do with.

00:06:58.418 --> 00:07:03.738
It's got everything to do with the abilities and skills to lead, regardless of where you come from.

00:07:03.738 --> 00:07:08.036
That's why I always say everybody's a leader, I don't care what rank you have, ranks got nothing to do with leadership.

00:07:08.036 --> 00:07:08.632
And so you were.

00:07:08.632 --> 00:07:14.079
You were thrust into an undershare of role, an upper level executive commander role.

00:07:14.079 --> 00:07:18.312
Kind of tell us how that was and what you thought it would be and what it ended up being.

00:07:19.509 --> 00:07:22.860
Yeah so I talked with the wife.

00:07:22.860 --> 00:07:25.918
We thought it was a good move at the time.

00:07:25.918 --> 00:07:32.939
A little girl who was just over one and currently beat the schedule to begin with.

00:07:32.939 --> 00:07:45.937
But the more I did the job, I realized, like the administration part of things, I think, is where a lot of people think oh, you got right through the ranks to learn the administration side of things.

00:07:45.937 --> 00:08:19.240
Well, yeah, that does help, but you learn as you go and I've really had a hone in on calling the experts and calling people who have been in leadership roles for a long time to ask for advice, and a lot of it is learning to fail forward, and what I mean by that is, yeah, I've screwed up in this position, but you have to learn from those screw ups and really, as long as people don't die and you don't really get sued, what are you to lose?

00:08:19.850 --> 00:08:22.459
Obviously, if you lose your job, then you really screwed up.

00:08:22.459 --> 00:08:34.052
But if you have a boss who supports you failing, that's where you're really gonna learn and that's how we can create these leaders is getting them to understand that they're gonna make mistakes.

00:08:34.052 --> 00:08:38.278
Learn from the mistakes and grow from them.

00:08:39.292 --> 00:08:43.716
That's so important to have a leader that you work for that understands we're all human.

00:08:43.716 --> 00:08:45.335
Human performance plays a role.

00:08:45.335 --> 00:08:49.277
Many of these things that occur in law enforcement are sort of first time events for a lot of people.

00:08:49.277 --> 00:08:50.956
It's such an unknown profession.

00:08:50.956 --> 00:08:55.096
It's a profession that attracts controversy from a whole host of different people.

00:08:55.096 --> 00:09:01.974
But to work for somebody that acknowledges, hey, we don't expect you to be perfect, we used to expect you to learn, and learn from mistakes.

00:09:01.974 --> 00:09:03.994
Right, don't do mistakes twice.

00:09:03.994 --> 00:09:14.779
That is so important, because the opposite of that is a leader that thinks they're always right, the things that they know more than everybody else, and that is a recipe for abject disasters, or not.

00:09:15.730 --> 00:09:19.120
Well, 100% you can't as a leader.

00:09:19.120 --> 00:09:42.432
If you think you know everything and you act like you know everything, then people are going to treat you as if you do know everything, and that's where you're gonna alienate people within your office or your agency, or even just the line level the other guys out on patrol or detective agency or division rather and so you can't.

00:09:42.432 --> 00:09:45.681
Just no one knows everything.

00:09:45.681 --> 00:10:00.998
And that's where people get themselves in trouble because they've been in law enforcement for X amount of years, they've been in their role for X amount of years, and then they get comfortable and they stop learning, but yet they still think that they know everything.

00:10:01.669 --> 00:10:04.714
And that's what I love about what you and Jesse have pulled together there.

00:10:04.714 --> 00:10:20.394
And I have to think that this recruiting and retention issue is we're saying it's a global crisis, it's a nationwide crisis in law enforcement, recruiting, but what I've been saying for years is no, it's not, it's a leadership crisis.

00:10:20.394 --> 00:10:21.894
People will work for leaders.

00:10:21.894 --> 00:10:31.798
I don't care what that job is Digging ditches, police work, fire, whatever it is If you're a true leader over that organization or over that job, people are attracted to leaders.

00:10:31.798 --> 00:10:34.357
That's just since the Bible I read.

00:10:34.357 --> 00:10:35.875
That's exactly what it is.

00:10:35.875 --> 00:10:41.216
The people are attracted to leaders and, of course, the greatest leader of our times, jesus Christ, they were attracted to him.

00:10:41.216 --> 00:10:42.475
And it's the same today.

00:10:42.475 --> 00:10:46.279
If you're a leader, people wanna be around leaders.

00:10:46.389 --> 00:10:54.216
And so when you hear about the recruiting issues and retention issues and I'll just describe to folks Tyler, where you're at I mean you're kinda in the middle of nowhere.

00:10:54.216 --> 00:10:56.116
I think Walmart was an hour and a half away.

00:10:56.116 --> 00:10:58.890
I think you got one restaurant Probably.

00:10:58.890 --> 00:11:02.515
The economy probably isn't as great there as it is maybe down in Las Vegas area.

00:11:02.515 --> 00:11:08.456
So you gotta convince people to come up in the middle of nowhere in a beautiful area, but it's not exactly convenient for people.

00:11:08.456 --> 00:11:12.414
You would think that that goes against everything that recruiting stands for.

00:11:12.414 --> 00:11:13.594
Come to our city.

00:11:13.594 --> 00:11:16.136
It's beautiful, and look at this and look at the pain.

00:11:16.136 --> 00:11:17.355
Here's the bonus money.

00:11:17.355 --> 00:11:18.615
That's what everybody's trying to do, right?

00:11:18.615 --> 00:11:28.636
But how's your recruiting going knowing that you and Jesse are two of the two duo leaders some of the best leaders I know in this profession how's your recruiting going there?

00:11:29.889 --> 00:11:40.203
You know, of course we have vacancies and of course we are accepting applications and obviously laterals get put through a faster track.

00:11:40.203 --> 00:12:17.058
But you know we do see a lot of applications coming through and a lot of them are from out of state who have seen I'm not as vocal on social media and active as Sheriff Watts is, but a lot of the applications that I have received from out of state have been from East Coast, some from one of the Dakotas I don't quite remember, but they apply here because they're seeing what Jesse is standing up for, not what he's putting out about the department, not the patrol statistics or you know a number of detective cases we've solved.

00:12:17.058 --> 00:12:26.677
It's what Jesse is standing up for and how he's standing up for it that people are attracted to and then, as you described, that's, they're coming for his leadership.

00:12:26.677 --> 00:12:33.293
They're not coming because we have a Walmart in about an hour a half away, in one restaurant in town.

00:12:34.775 --> 00:12:37.222
Yeah, I didn't know if that was true, I just trying to go off memory.

00:12:37.222 --> 00:12:39.067
I didn't have a lot of places to eat last time I was up there.

00:12:39.716 --> 00:12:40.960
Yeah, what Walmart is?

00:12:40.960 --> 00:12:43.447
An hour and a half away at the very moment.

00:12:43.447 --> 00:12:53.725
We did actually just have one of our gas stations restaurants actually burned down Couple months ago and he actually just bought a different one and reopened it.

00:12:53.725 --> 00:12:59.914
So we do now have two restaurants, a coffee shop, the.

00:12:59.914 --> 00:13:08.134
We only only have, I think, 77 hotel rooms between hotels and air BMVs.

00:13:08.174 --> 00:13:14.767
Well, I would say this, tyler, because you put me up in a room every time I come there you do not have any five-star hotels.

00:13:14.767 --> 00:13:15.347
I will tell you that.

00:13:16.475 --> 00:13:19.402
No, I would say they are about three point.

00:13:19.402 --> 00:13:41.368
Oh, you're giving them that much credit, okay, okay, but that's what makes it so unique is that this conference is being held somewhere where you don't have five-star hotels, you don't have casinos, you don't have the live entertainment other than what you see out your hotel window on occasion.

00:13:41.716 --> 00:13:45.225
Well, to do the job that you and Jesse do, you can go two different directions, right.

00:13:45.225 --> 00:13:47.215
You can buy off on the narrative.

00:13:47.215 --> 00:13:54.024
You can get in line with what the deal J says and get in line with all the reform movements and do all this stuff that is not proven to work.

00:13:54.024 --> 00:13:55.534
You can look at the state of law enforcement today.

00:13:55.534 --> 00:13:56.500
You can look at crime today.

00:13:56.500 --> 00:13:58.971
You look at you everything it hasn't worked.

00:13:58.971 --> 00:13:59.695
It's made things worse.

00:13:59.695 --> 00:14:00.476
Everybody knows that.

00:14:00.476 --> 00:14:02.019
That has any brain cells left.

00:14:02.541 --> 00:14:08.115
You can go that route and that's a pretty successful route for a resume, but you're never gonna make, you never gonna change anything.

00:14:08.115 --> 00:14:09.562
You're never gonna impact people.

00:14:09.562 --> 00:14:11.894
You're never gonna have people want to come work for you, right?

00:14:11.894 --> 00:14:12.996
You guys went the other route.

00:14:12.996 --> 00:14:16.586
You said listen, everyone's talking about we want guardians only.

00:14:16.586 --> 00:14:19.984
And you guys have said Now we need law enforcement professionals.

00:14:19.984 --> 00:14:22.294
Call them what you want guardians, warriors, whatever.

00:14:22.294 --> 00:14:37.813
We're out here trying to make things safer for our community and, oddly enough, when you take that stance, which was a stance all law enforcement had up until about I don't know eight years ago, people will go across the country to work in that environment, will they not?

00:14:37.833 --> 00:14:47.235
Oh, they will and, as you're aware, people don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses or bad leaders.

00:14:49.139 --> 00:14:56.162
Yeah, it's so accurate, man, and I love the Although it's a small case study, right, but that's what I've been saying.

00:14:56.162 --> 00:15:01.768
You guys throwing out all the bonus money and you're lowering standards and you're doing tick-tock video.

00:15:01.768 --> 00:15:05.163
Go have at it, but no one's gonna work for anybody.

00:15:05.163 --> 00:15:06.407
That's not a leader.

00:15:06.407 --> 00:15:14.587
You know they may be forced to at some point If, but no one's gonna take a job in an organization when they can see the cowardice and leadership.

00:15:14.587 --> 00:15:17.623
And you guys have broke the mold there where no one should ever.

00:15:17.623 --> 00:15:33.274
I'm not trying to offend Eureka I love Eureka but I'm saying you're competing against Las Vegas Metro and you're competing against Los Angeles and these cities that have everything to offer for a police officer, but many of them are choosing you because leadership trumps all of that, does it not?

00:15:33.293 --> 00:15:45.604
oh, it does, and you know, we have let you know 17th Street like see, it's not attractive for people to want to come here, and it in families.

00:15:45.604 --> 00:15:58.928
It's hard on families because you know it's you really have to hone in on the community activities In order to fill a part of the community and if you don't do that and you're always leaving town to go to these bigger towns.

00:15:58.928 --> 00:16:01.159
That's what makes it hard here.

00:16:01.159 --> 00:16:10.033
And yet we're still seeing people wanting to come work for us because of I would say mostly because of sheriff Watts being out on the platform.

00:16:10.033 --> 00:16:14.066
That that, you know, being visible is what's helping our recruiting.

00:16:14.875 --> 00:16:18.004
So this leadership conference I don't know if you've got a particular name for it.

00:16:18.004 --> 00:16:25.294
All I know is Half a little years ago, you asked me to come up there and teach and I get up there and I see the lineup and I see what, what happened that week?

00:16:25.294 --> 00:16:30.966
And I thought, of course it's in an awesome venue you, I don't know if it's still at the opera house, but it's awesome venue, so unique.

00:16:30.966 --> 00:16:40.162
And I thought this is this is one of the greatest weeks of all year for me and but you know, but you are sort of the the brainchild behind it.

00:16:40.162 --> 00:16:40.842
What got?

00:16:40.842 --> 00:16:42.506
What got you lit up to go?

00:16:42.506 --> 00:16:43.708
We need to do this here.

00:16:45.216 --> 00:16:45.496

00:16:45.496 --> 00:16:59.246
So sheriff Watts promoted me in October and then, in November of 2020, I went to a sheriff's and chief conference where I heard Paul Butler speak and Within five minutes I was.

00:16:59.246 --> 00:17:16.355
I knew that I Came to an agency that was there's only like four of us working here, and so we I knew instantly I needed to bring someone into, rejuvenate people, get people ignited, like we can, let's do this job.

00:17:16.355 --> 00:17:21.207
There may be four of us, but we're gonna do this job and we're gonna do it as best as we can.

00:17:21.207 --> 00:17:24.882
And Then it turned into well.

00:17:25.505 --> 00:17:31.003
There's a lot of county leadership here that I think would Appreciate this message and could learn from this message.

00:17:31.003 --> 00:17:42.637
And then it turned into well, if I'm gonna invite the county, I might as well make you know an event and see if I can draw people to Eureka as part of a recruiting effort in a way.

00:17:42.637 --> 00:17:54.990
And then you, after sitting down and eating lunch with Paul that same day, sheriff Watson, we were like, wow, why don't we try and make a conference out of this?

00:17:54.990 --> 00:17:57.468
And I started reaching out to people.

00:17:57.468 --> 00:18:10.711
You were obviously part of the first year, and ever since then, I've been able to find people that are willing to come travel to this area to speak on leadership because they're passionate about it.

00:18:10.711 --> 00:18:20.266
And those are the people I want to bring, because if we're going to try and grow leaders within our agencies, our areas, we get a passionate people teaching about it.

00:18:20.881 --> 00:18:22.948
Well, I love the idea that you're sharing it right.

00:18:22.948 --> 00:18:38.589
It'd be one thing for a department to say we need to build the leadership up in our agency and we're going to bring a couple of speakers in for our agency, but you have opened this up for free for anybody in the country to come to kind of tell us your idea behind it, because it takes a significant amount of budget.

00:18:38.589 --> 00:18:40.267
I mean, I see your speaker line up.

00:18:40.267 --> 00:18:43.369
I mean I know what I cost, but the other guys are costing more.

00:18:43.369 --> 00:18:47.915
I can guarantee you that I see your speaker line up and I'm like this is an expensive venture.

00:18:48.217 --> 00:18:54.271
You know, in the middle of Eureka, hotel rooms and speaker fees, you're probably providing a few meals here and there.

00:18:54.271 --> 00:18:56.211
I know you're going to be providing my meal when I'm there.

00:18:56.211 --> 00:18:58.347
You're going to take me out to that.

00:18:58.347 --> 00:19:00.366
I don't know if you have a stake place, we'll figure one out.

00:19:00.366 --> 00:19:03.344
Maybe it's Jesse's backyard, but you're.

00:19:03.344 --> 00:19:13.074
I mean it's a huge commitment, tyler, and obviously you had support for that, but this is probably a year long process for these resources and for this planning, is it not?

00:19:14.262 --> 00:19:17.067
Yeah, and I've gotten ahead of myself.

00:19:17.067 --> 00:19:30.532
I planned 2023 and 2022 because I was going to be gone at the National Academy for the first four or 10 weeks, actually first 10 weeks of 2023.

00:19:30.532 --> 00:19:36.925
I would get back right before the conference, so I had to have everything buttoned up, and so it does take about a year.

00:19:36.925 --> 00:19:55.207
Really, the issue is finding speakers and I don't want to say interviewing them, but kind of figuring out what they are, what they are and what they can bring to the table and how I can fit them in and what day, you know, are they good for a first day or are they good for, you know, the last day?

00:19:55.207 --> 00:19:56.426
What's their message?

00:19:58.821 --> 00:20:09.244
The reason why I made it free is the first year I charged people and I didn't see a turnout of Nevada agencies.

00:20:09.244 --> 00:20:14.907
I was like, well, this is free in Nevada, why aren't Nevada agencies sending people here?

00:20:14.907 --> 00:20:26.387
So then the next year I had it for free and charged for online, because that was significantly harder to try and produce this for people to watch.

00:20:26.387 --> 00:20:39.986
And eventually it just was like I'm never going to make money on this unless I'm charging 13, 14, you know, maybe $1,500 a seat, and that's not my goal.

00:20:40.099 --> 00:20:45.912
My goal is I want line level guys or sergeants or lieutenants in some agencies.

00:20:45.912 --> 00:20:59.288
I want them to be able to go to their command staff and say, hey, I want to go to this training and it costs nothing, but maybe travel and hotel and maybe some people take some time off so it doesn't even cost the agency anything.

00:20:59.288 --> 00:21:11.230
I'm trying to take it out of the hands of the chiefs, the sheriffs that are penny pinchers, that don't want to send their line level guys to high level executive training.

00:21:11.230 --> 00:21:22.693
I'm trying to take that excuse out that they don't have money, because if they're not spending any money to send someone to this training but the return on an investment is tenfold, what's their use now?

00:21:23.642 --> 00:21:29.545
Yeah, so tell us about this year, tell us the dates, tell us who you have coming and how can people get ahold of you to get there.

00:21:30.940 --> 00:21:32.885
So you can reach out to me.

00:21:32.885 --> 00:21:36.165
Is it cool if I give my phone number out on here?

00:21:37.442 --> 00:21:38.365
Yeah, give it out.

00:21:38.365 --> 00:21:39.663
I'll put in the show notes as well.

00:21:40.326 --> 00:21:42.849
Okay, you, 775-374-1539.

00:21:42.849 --> 00:21:48.592
Feel free, text message is best right now.

00:21:48.592 --> 00:21:55.446
I am at home with a newborn, so answering calls and text messages are sporadic.

00:21:55.446 --> 00:21:57.811
But, yep, feel free to shoot me a text message.

00:21:57.811 --> 00:22:09.152
My email is T-T-H-O-M-A-S at EurekaCountt-N-Vgov.

00:22:09.152 --> 00:22:13.256
Or send me an email and I'll get you registered.

00:22:13.256 --> 00:22:19.393
It's again, 100% free and that's the best way people can get ahold of me.

00:22:19.881 --> 00:22:23.867
Yeah, just a minute, tyler, I forgot about the little baby at home, so we're not going to give you information.

00:22:23.867 --> 00:22:24.851
I'll edit this out.

00:22:24.851 --> 00:22:30.923
So let me just cut him in at the cut here and I'm going to say all right, tyler, we're going to talk about the conference.

00:22:30.923 --> 00:22:39.088
While we talk about it, I'll just let everybody know in the show notes we're going to have Tyler's contact information on how to reach him to go to this conference for free.

00:22:39.088 --> 00:22:42.931
Let's talk about, tyler, the lineup you have, because it's very impressive.

00:22:42.931 --> 00:22:44.183
I'm looking forward to it myself.

00:22:44.183 --> 00:22:45.729
Who do you have?

00:22:45.729 --> 00:22:50.371
Tell us when the dates are and who's coming in, and what are you looking forward to.

00:22:52.285 --> 00:22:58.242
So it starts April 15th, which is a Monday, and it rolls through that Thursday, which is April 18th.

00:22:58.242 --> 00:23:04.377
On Monday we have Randy Sun and a good friend of his, Bob Bemis.

00:23:04.377 --> 00:23:09.415
He's their partners in a company organization called the Wounded Blue.

00:23:09.415 --> 00:23:13.798
Yep excellent and you know, if you haven't interviewed him, definitely reach out to him.

00:23:13.798 --> 00:23:15.305
It's a great organization.

00:23:15.967 --> 00:23:17.172
No, I've known Randy for years.

00:23:17.172 --> 00:23:19.813
We're on a show regularly weekly together.

00:23:19.813 --> 00:23:23.980
Just a good dude and he's a phenomenal speaker, so he's going to be fantastic.

00:23:24.923 --> 00:23:29.894
Yeah, and then on the next day we have Tom Rizzo, which a lot of people.

00:23:29.894 --> 00:23:34.192
He taught for Street Cop and that's where his name became popular.

00:23:34.192 --> 00:23:50.614
He has actually never been to Nevada, so we will be the first agency in Nevada to host him, which I feel pretty honored, because you know, we're competing in Vegas and Reno and he has elected to come to the middle of nowhere.

00:23:51.234 --> 00:23:52.165
Yeah, Tom's got that.

00:23:52.165 --> 00:23:53.892
Tom's got that ivory tire program.

00:23:53.892 --> 00:23:57.807
Very, very good stuff and I think he's going to be bringing in that's day two.

00:23:57.807 --> 00:23:59.371
You say is Tom, is Tom right?

00:23:59.913 --> 00:24:00.273
Yeah, yeah.

00:24:00.273 --> 00:24:26.194
So he's going to be teaching half day, and actually he was going to teach a full day, but the sheriff came back and told me that he met a guy at the cops conference that absolutely needs to come, and he does not care how much you're cost to bring him, and so on the second half of the second day I'm bringing in a guy that I have recently been in contact with for about a year now is John Kelly.

00:24:26.194 --> 00:24:27.817
He's from Florida.

00:24:27.817 --> 00:24:30.010
He has his organization.

00:24:30.010 --> 00:24:32.028
Sometimes heroes need help too.

00:24:32.028 --> 00:24:39.479
I think his message is going to fit in this weekend, and that's why I'm bringing him on the second day as well.

00:24:39.685 --> 00:24:40.809
Nope, I've met John.

00:24:40.809 --> 00:24:41.633
I know John.

00:24:41.633 --> 00:24:48.230
I've interviewed with John and he's going to own as a law enforcement life coach and he will bring it.

00:24:48.230 --> 00:24:51.153
I'm just glad you didn't cut my day, you cut Tom's day.

00:24:51.153 --> 00:24:52.175
Let's get to Thursday.

00:24:53.367 --> 00:24:55.394
Thursday is going to be Sheriff Wayne Ivey.

00:24:55.394 --> 00:24:58.352
Everyone obviously, I'm sure, knows him from Florida.

00:24:58.352 --> 00:25:27.566
He was actually the first speaker that was a confirmed speaker for this event this year and honestly, I was so shocked I put out a feeler through my NA graduates that I was with and he called me withina day of me asking if anyone could get a hold of him for me and so instantly I knew I needed to bring him because his leadership, he's passionate about it.

00:25:27.566 --> 00:25:33.876
And then the best day is the last day, which is going to be you, travis.

00:25:35.228 --> 00:25:39.173
Yeah, you got to say that You're on my show, but yeah, we'll do the courageous police leader on the last day.

00:25:39.173 --> 00:25:41.972
We've got a lot of new things in there since the last time I've been there.

00:25:41.972 --> 00:25:44.230
It'll be fun days All eight hours that day, is it not?

00:25:45.384 --> 00:25:46.529
It is all eight hours that day.

00:25:47.405 --> 00:25:53.190
Yeah, I get contacted all the time about people go hey, I need to come to the class, you can come to the seminar and I've just been saying it's free in Eureka.

00:25:53.190 --> 00:25:54.806
Man, come to Eureka, you know.

00:25:54.806 --> 00:25:55.790
I want you to come to my area.

00:25:55.790 --> 00:25:58.053
Nope, get on a plane, we'll see you in Eureka.

00:25:58.053 --> 00:26:03.192
It's going to be a phenomenal week and I cannot tell people this.

00:26:03.192 --> 00:26:05.010
Maybe people are listening that aren't in law enforcement.

00:26:05.010 --> 00:26:07.132
How special this is.

00:26:07.132 --> 00:26:08.406
Nobody's doing this.

00:26:08.406 --> 00:26:11.625
Tyler, you've been the FBI, na, you've been all.

00:26:11.625 --> 00:26:14.996
Nobody is putting conferences like this together.

00:26:14.996 --> 00:26:21.355
Now you may get your typical conference right, which is we drink half the time we gamble, the other half the time we play slots.

00:26:21.355 --> 00:26:24.193
The other half the time we have maybe one big keynote speaker in the middle.

00:26:24.193 --> 00:26:30.777
But this is legitimate street cred leadership folks out there that are slinging it.

00:26:30.777 --> 00:26:34.593
They're going to be there and it's going to be like a fire hose man all week long, right?

00:26:36.046 --> 00:26:36.507

00:26:36.507 --> 00:26:49.298
So my goal is I don't want it to be like one of those drinking conferences and, yes, you will drink from a fire hose, but it's in a social network environment.

00:26:49.298 --> 00:26:56.049
So you're going to be teaching in an opera house and sitting in an opera house and it's not going to feel like a classroom.

00:26:56.049 --> 00:27:13.192
You're not going to have a whiteboard unless someone needs a whiteboard and an easel, like Mr Butler does but you are there to learn from the instructors and the people that are sitting around you, and I'm trying to make it as interactive as possible.

00:27:13.704 --> 00:27:18.416
If you're just joining us, we're speaking to Eureka County undersheriff Tyler Thomas.

00:27:18.416 --> 00:27:22.675
He is the picture perfect model of the power of one.

00:27:22.675 --> 00:27:27.192
One guy decides let's put this conference together every year.

00:27:27.192 --> 00:27:28.615
Incredible amount of work.

00:27:28.615 --> 00:27:31.593
Why aren't more people doing this, tyler?

00:27:31.593 --> 00:27:40.656
I mean no offense to my man, tyler, but why are you like the only guy I know out there that decides to do this?

00:27:40.656 --> 00:27:42.108
What do you think is going on with that?

00:27:43.565 --> 00:27:45.652
Well, I think a lot of it has to do with risk.

00:27:45.652 --> 00:27:51.695
There's a lot of risk in this to put on an event every year.

00:27:51.695 --> 00:27:57.303
This will be the fourth year, but I'm putting it on every year and, uh, I'll take it, it'll be fine.

00:27:57.303 --> 00:28:08.020
I'm expecting the citizens of this county to see my expenditures in this and see no money coming back.

00:28:08.020 --> 00:28:21.318
Now, with that being said, I do ask for donations of organizations around, and that's what does help fund this, but a large part of it does come out of our regular early budget that gets approved every year.

00:28:21.464 --> 00:28:29.315
So, in order for me to stand in front of the citizens, there's some risk there that, hey, I'm spending their money and I'm not charging people.

00:28:29.315 --> 00:28:31.291
So what's the real return?

00:28:31.291 --> 00:28:40.599
Well, the real return is the cops that are out on our streets that are acting like leaders, and the citizens can trust them.

00:28:40.599 --> 00:28:43.934
And we talked about this community-oriented policing.

00:28:43.934 --> 00:28:46.894
Well, I think the old model is old.

00:28:46.894 --> 00:28:55.733
We have to have a new model, and everyone's a leader, I think can help with that, and that's the investment of this training.

00:28:56.546 --> 00:29:04.852
I tend to agree with you, but there's also something you didn't mention you mentioned earlier, which is if you think you're the smartest person in the room, you would never have a conference like this right.

00:29:04.852 --> 00:29:08.573
But you clearly have indicated to our audience that man.

00:29:08.573 --> 00:29:18.654
You reach out to experts, you reach out to other people just as he watched us the same to try to get better yourself, and that is the key ingredient to great leaders.

00:29:18.654 --> 00:29:28.076
The key ingredient to great leaders is a humble spirit that understands that you're just one person, but they need everybody else to help them with that leadership role.

00:29:28.076 --> 00:29:34.611
And this week-long conference, this drink from a fire hose leadership conference that I can't I mean I can't wait to hear it.

00:29:34.611 --> 00:29:38.354
It's just an indicator of where you and Jesse are coming from.

00:29:38.354 --> 00:29:39.750
I can't thank you enough for doing it.

00:29:39.750 --> 00:29:42.114
It's going to be the best week of the year.

00:29:42.114 --> 00:29:45.452
I cannot encourage people enough to get to this conference.

00:29:45.452 --> 00:29:48.868
Give them the date again, tyler, and then down to the show notes.

00:29:48.868 --> 00:29:50.354
We'll tell them how to contact you.

00:29:51.529 --> 00:29:59.151
Yeah, just real quick, just thinking about it, you will be the second instructor that has spent all week with us and the first instructor.

00:29:59.151 --> 00:30:01.015
His name's Al Malinchek.

00:30:01.015 --> 00:30:02.417
He's retired.

00:30:02.417 --> 00:30:03.884
He's been retired for a very long time.

00:30:03.884 --> 00:30:06.633
He's spent all week with us the week that he came and taught.

00:30:06.633 --> 00:30:20.075
And for a retired person who has over 30 years of law enforcement to walk out of this training to say that they've learned something and he was there taking notes, I think that says something about what kind of conference this is.

00:30:20.265 --> 00:30:30.984
Well, and I'll tell you, John Kelly, I told him, john, I'm staying there all week, you're going to be there all week and he had some silly excuse, like he's some big high level speaker for some conference.

00:30:30.984 --> 00:30:31.867
He's got to travel.

00:30:31.867 --> 00:30:37.404
Whatever, john, john, I'll see you there all week and you'll love John, by the way.

00:30:37.404 --> 00:30:39.151
But yeah, man, it's fantastic.

00:30:39.151 --> 00:30:41.537
It's going to be the highlight of my year.

00:30:41.537 --> 00:30:42.525
I can't wait for it.

00:30:42.525 --> 00:30:44.491
I appreciate the opportunity.

00:30:45.267 --> 00:30:52.010
I never discount that One day no one will want to listen to me, but I certainly appreciate folks like yourself and Jesse that bring me up.

00:30:52.010 --> 00:30:54.391
And Tyler, I can't thank you enough.

00:30:54.391 --> 00:30:55.449
You're an inspiration.

00:30:55.449 --> 00:31:03.934
I know maybe in the terms of some people listening, you're young in the career 11 years in under sheriff but that is where we get better.

00:31:03.934 --> 00:31:15.916
That is where we improve is leaders like this that are at levels not only with leadership, but they have the authority to do the right thing, to impact so many people in such a positive way.

00:31:15.916 --> 00:31:17.976
And this conference just exasperates that.

00:31:17.976 --> 00:31:24.269
I mean it's going to be exponential at the impact your agency's having, even though maybe you don't have as many officers as other people.

00:31:24.269 --> 00:31:26.334
This conference really elevates that.

00:31:26.334 --> 00:31:27.517
I can't thank you enough for doing it.

00:31:27.517 --> 00:31:31.085
I can't thank you enough for being here on the show.

00:31:31.105 --> 00:31:37.215
You're welcome in those dates Again, on April 15th to the 18th, completely free.

00:31:37.215 --> 00:31:43.451
Yes, it's kind of geared towards law enforcement, but it's open to the community, it's open to citizens.

00:31:43.451 --> 00:31:47.375
I don't care if you're a bagger at Walmart, you can be a leader in Walmart.

00:31:47.967 --> 00:31:50.109
Okay, you're right, it doesn't matter where you're at.

00:31:50.109 --> 00:31:52.531
We need leadership all throughout our society.

00:31:52.531 --> 00:31:55.553
Those of you that are listening, I certainly appreciate it.

00:31:55.553 --> 00:31:57.432
I'm not sure how many listened to the end.

00:31:57.432 --> 00:32:00.994
Maybe you get to the good stuff and you leave, but it's been good all the way through.

00:32:00.994 --> 00:32:01.445
But I'm going to.

00:32:01.445 --> 00:32:05.516
I'm going to show you my appreciation for listening to the end.

00:32:06.065 --> 00:32:12.431
If you're listening to this right now, if you will go to wherever you're listening to this podcast, leave a review.

00:32:12.431 --> 00:32:16.112
Here's a hint it has to be a pretty good review for me to pay attention to it.

00:32:16.112 --> 00:32:21.196
Leave a review on the podcast, take a screenshot of that podcast and contact me.

00:32:21.196 --> 00:32:22.470
Where do you contact me at?

00:32:22.470 --> 00:32:28.356
Go to TravisYHorg, hit the contact button and send me the copy of the review.

00:32:28.356 --> 00:32:30.471
Who you are, where you work for.

00:32:30.924 --> 00:32:34.776
I'm going to take those applications for the next four weeks.

00:32:34.776 --> 00:32:38.715
So the date this podcast drops, you'll have four weeks to do that.

00:32:38.715 --> 00:32:42.910
I'm going to pick one person out of that to fly you to Eureka Nevada.

00:32:42.910 --> 00:32:46.576
I'll buy your plane ticket to come to Eureka Nevada to this conference.

00:32:46.576 --> 00:32:48.231
So you have to do some work on your end, right?

00:32:48.231 --> 00:32:49.369
You don't have to do what I just said.

00:32:49.369 --> 00:32:55.473
You'll have to get permission to come, or you have to take vacation to come and then you'll probably have to get a place to stay.

00:32:55.473 --> 00:32:59.433
I'm not going to pay with a hotel, but I will play for the plane ticket, and hotels are cheap there.

00:32:59.433 --> 00:33:00.356
I don't want to scare anybody.

00:33:00.356 --> 00:33:04.635
It's very cheap there at this 3.8 star hotel.

00:33:04.635 --> 00:33:06.611
It's a pretty good little place to be.

00:33:06.611 --> 00:33:14.152
But you tell me what your airfare is, I'll send you the money and I'll see you in Eureka, nevada, in April.

00:33:14.152 --> 00:33:18.292
So thank you for listening and just remember, lead on and stay courageous.

00:33:20.765 --> 00:33:23.553
Thank you for listening to Courageous Leadership with Travis Yates.

00:33:23.553 --> 00:33:26.788
We invite you to join other courageous leaders at www.

00:33:26.788 --> 00:33:26.828

00:33:26.828 --> 00:33:28.132
Tyler Thomas Profile Photo

Tyler Thomas


I have been in law enforcement for almost 12 years between two departments. Currently hold the role of Undersheriff at Eureka County Sheriff’s Office. I have been in that role since 2020. We have 15 sworn that cover 4,200 square miles and two townships. I am a graduate of NA Session 285 and serve on the Training Sub Committee for Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association.

I have two daughters, one is 4 and the other was just born on 12/22/23. I love being with family and doing anything outdoors.