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July 30, 2024

Police Recruiting: A Philosophy Shift

Police Recruiting: A Philosophy Shift
In a rapidly changing world, the recruitment strategies for law enforcement must evolve to meet new challenges and opportunities. In this episode of Courageous Leadership with Travis Yates, Doug Larson, co-founder of Safeguard Recruiting, shares revolutionary insights into modern law enforcement recruitment. With a wealth of experience transitioning from a Utah police officer to a recruitment expert, Doug emphasizes the need for police departments to become self-sufficient through targeted training.

Doug Larson's journey from an officer to a recruitment expert highlights the transformative power of proactive engagement and continuous communication in the recruitment process. Traditional methods, which often left candidates waiting for months, are outdated. Today's recruitment demands a 24/7 digital campaign that keeps potential recruits engaged and informed. Doug discusses the importance of multiple touchpoints and expert-crafted messaging to ensure candidates remain interested throughout the lengthy hiring process. This approach not only fills vacancies but also aligns with the needs of contemporary law enforcement.

One of the key points Doug raises is the inefficiency of relying solely on flashy websites and videos. While these elements have their place, they should not be the primary focus. Instead, acquiring candidate names through targeted social media ads proves to be more effective. Doug presents detailed data and metrics that support this method's success, demonstrating how to convert traffic into actual applicants. For departments facing budget constraints, Doug highlights that cost-effective recruitment solutions can be tailored to fit various financial situations, making modern recruitment accessible to all.

Safeguard Recruiting not only delivers candidates but also offers training to enhance overall recruitment efficiency. Doug explains that many departments lack the expertise to keep up with the latest advertising rules, employment laws, and best practices. Safeguard's training arm provides crucial knowledge and skills, ensuring departments can maintain an effective recruitment pipeline. By adopting industry-standard practices and maintaining continuous communication with potential recruits, departments can significantly improve their recruitment outcomes.

Doug Larson also addresses the skepticism surrounding the affordability of effective recruitment solutions. Many departments believe that acquiring quality candidates requires substantial financial investment. However, Doug assures that Safeguard can develop affordable packages based on the department's budget and needs. This flexibility ensures that even smaller departments can benefit from modern recruitment strategies without breaking the bank.

A critical aspect of modern recruitment, as Doug points out, is the need to shift from a passive to an active approach. Law enforcement agencies can no longer afford to wait for candidates to come to them. Instead, they must actively seek out and engage potential recruits. This involves placing ads on social media platforms, crafting compelling messages, and maintaining consistent communication throughout the hiring process. By doing so, departments can capture the interest of individuals who may not have initially considered a career in law enforcement.

Doug's expertise in recruitment extends beyond merely finding candidates. He emphasizes the importance of nurturing these leads, providing support and guidance to ensure they complete the application process. This nurturing phase is crucial, as the hiring journey for law enforcement can be lengthy and complex. Departments must provide clear, consistent communication and alleviate any concerns candidates may have. This approach not only improves the candidate experience but also increases the likelihood of successful hires.

In the podcast, Doug shares real-life examples of how Safeguard Recruiting has helped various departments achieve their recruitment goals. From small agencies to large metropolitan departments, the strategies employed by Safeguard have proven effective across the board. Doug recounts instances where departments, initially skeptical of the digital approach, saw significant improvements in their recruitment outcomes after adopting Safeguard's methods.

For departments looking to enhance their recruitment efforts, Doug encourages visiting The website offers valuable resources, including free courses and new classes, to aid departments in their recruitment journey. Doug concludes the episode with a message of encouragement, urging leaders to stay courageous and proactive in their recruitment efforts.

In summary, this episode of Courageous Leadership with Travis Yates provides a comprehensive overview of modern law enforcement recruitment strategies. Doug Larson's insights highlight the importance of proactive engagement, continuous communication, and targeted training. By adopting these strategies, departments can attract and retain the best candidates, ensuring they meet the demands of contemporary law enforcement.